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by November 22, 2023
By Mark Lacey YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS AS A FIELD When we look at a radio, we understand that the radio does not create the music, but rather, the radio receives the signal. I argue that our consciousness acts as a field, and when we see the brain lighting up and firing off its neurons, what we are seeing is a function of the brain, not the source of our consciousness. In the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, they still wrestle with understanding where and how consciousness arises. They ...
by August 17, 2023
## The Hidden Power of Sound: Can Music and Frequencies Influence Our DNA? In 1986, Japanese scientist Susumu Ohno made a startling discovery - the four nucleotide bases of DNA correspond to musical notes. By associating cytosine (C) with the note C, guanine (G) with the note G, adenine (A) with the note A, and thymine (T) with the note D, Ohno found he could convert DNA sequencing into melodic musical compositions.  This breakthrough revealed an intrinsic musicality within our genetic code an...
Witness the captivating glimpses of Venus, Earth's celestial twin, showcasing its enigmatic beauty in a way that will leave you in awe.Once deemed Earth's twin due to its similar size and its close proximity, Venus has earned a notorious reputation as the evil sibling of our planetary family. With a wealth of knowledge gathered by scientists, we now understand Venus to be a toxic wasteland, an inferno where heat is trapped in its thick atmosphere due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Surprisingly,...
Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto created technology that became the intellectual foundation for the A.I. systems that the tech industry’s biggest companies believe is a key to their future. On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intel...
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by January 17, 2020
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by October 6, 2020
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JAYNE has always supported free speech and informed consent when it comes to human experimental trials. It is alarming, this film PLANDEMIC was wiped from the internet and censored on every big tech platform. JAYNE vetted the many experts, Doctors, Scientists in this film and now have become vindicated by the actual evidence-based data that we now have learned about the Covid-19 actual stats. learn more:  https://jayne.social/JAYNETV/351/are-you-getting-the-vax/ Since this film release, the censorship has only ramped up and medical tyranny continues to violate all informed consent laws regarding experimental vaccines. The motives are clear now. The industrial pharma complex now controls the narrative and seeks profits over health, while the public is censored from hearing the true risks of Covid-19, the mRNA experimental risks, adverse effects, and any expert counter-narrative is attacked and silenced. America has radically changed this past year with censorship and where human rights are no longer protected. Our media and tech companies are more like Noth Korea and Communist China where all infomation is controlled and any critical review or question is censored and deplatformed. JAYNE does not endorse any medical advice and encourages you to always talk to your medical provider or doctor and do your research.  THESE COVID-19 EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPIES ARE IN VIOLATION OF EVERY POINT OF THE NUREMBERG CODE.  THIS IS ALSO IN VIOLATION OF  UNITED STATES INFORMED CONSENT LAWS FOR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL PROCEDURES.  THE OVERT CENSORSHIP OF MEDICAL EVIDENCE AND ONGOING ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS FROM GLOBAL EXPERTS AND HUNDRED OF THOUSANDS OF HARMED ( And thousands of deaths) VIOLATES INFORMED CONSENT AND HUMAN RIGHTS.  NUREMBERG CODE  1.   The voluntary informed consent of the human subject is essential.   2.  The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary.   3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.   4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.   5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.   6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.   7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.   8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.   9. During the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.   10. During the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.   THE LAW UNDERSTANDS THAT VALID INFORMED CONSENT WHICH AS FOLLOWS:    Voluntariness refers to the subject's right to freely exercise his/her decision-making without being subjected to external pressure such as coercion, manipulation, or undue influence.   Disclosure requires the researcher to supply each prospective subject with the information necessary to make an autonomous decision and also to ensure that the subject adequately understands the information provided. This latter requirement implies that a written consent form be written in lay language suited for the comprehension skills of the subject population, as well as assessing the level of understanding through conversation (to be informed).   Capacity pertains to the ability of the subject to both understand the information provided and form a reasonable judgment based on the potential consequences of his/her decision.   #PLANDEMIC THE MOVIE #COVID19 #CENSORSHIP #BIGPHARMA #AGENDA21 #THEGREATRESET #COVIDVACCINATION #WHO #WORLDECONMICFORUM
by March 14, 2024
Astaxanthin, a carotenoid primarily found in marine environments. It's what gives salmon, shrimp, and even flamingos their vibrant colors. Astaxanthin is claimed to have potential health benefits such as improved skin health, enhanced exercise performance, and protective effects against oxidative stress and inflammation. Astaxanthin is also widely marketed in supplements for purported health benefits like anti-aging and improved athletic performance. But how much of this is backed by science, and what are the real effects of this compound? In this video, Healthnews critically explores Astaxanthin, separating facts from fiction. We delve into what Astaxanthin really is, debunk the myths surrounding its benefits, and provide a comprehensive review based on scientific evidence and research. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, someone interested in natural health products, or just curious about Astaxanthin, this video is for you! #astaxanthin #astaxanthinexplained #Healthnews ⏱️ Timestamps ⏱️ 0:00 Astaxanthin explained 0:56 What is astaxanthin? 1:30 Astaxanthin: hype vs reality 4:02 Scientific evidence and research 📚 Sources and material 📚 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34578794/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1043661820314213 https://www.mdpi.com/1660-3397/21/10/514 https://examine.com/supplements/astaxanthin/ https://www.naturalmedicinejournal.com/journal/astaxanthin-review-literature https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35631193/ ℹ️ About us ℹ️ Healthnews is a media channel that educates people on various health topics and provides readers the most up-to-date, science-led, fact-based medical information in a language that is easy to understand. We dive deep into health and science topics that interest you without shying away from controversial topics. HealthNews content is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice and is for general informational and educational purposes only. See a licensed medical professional for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment.
by May 4, 2024
ONE SOCIAL has a special 45 day supply for $9.99 with highest quality Moringa feat over 19+ Amino Acids, Vitamin C, A, E and anti detox, Plus more protein than Soy with 8 Grams of Protein per 600mg Get this deal now on Moringa products, please visit: https://amzn.to/3yfWGug ---------------------------------------------- Often referred to as the “miracle tree,” moringa is gaining in global popularity for its beneficial roles not only in nutrition but also in sustainability, global health, and agriculture. So what makes moringa so magnificent? Nutrients Found in Moringa Across the globe, people in developing countries supplement their diets with moringa because of its extraordinary nutrient density. Moringa leaves are rich in protein, essential amino acids, and micronutrients such as copper, manganese, iron, zinc, and vitamin A, making it a great source for natural nutrient fortification (2, 3). Moringa is not only abundant in micronutrients, but it also has polyphenols, isothiocyanates, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Its oil is nutritionally similar to olive oil but is more resistant to oxidation and does not become rancid as quickly. 8 x the Vitamin C then Oranges! Unlike many botanicals, studies have shown that moringa is hearty and that its nutrients can withstand extreme temperatures such as boiling. By adding the leaves to a broth or even battering and frying them, unserved populations are able to nourish their bodies with an easy-to-grow superfood that can be harvested locally and remain nutritionally stable for long periods of time (4). Moringa Is More Than a Superfood The mild flavor of the flower and nutrient-dense leaf are consumed in foods and brewed as a tea, but beyond its nutritional benefits, moringa’s versatility makes it a sustainable solution with many applications. The seed oil is often used in skin and hair care, while the seed itself has more recently been used in water purification. Moringa bark and seed cake are used in textiles and animal feed, the roots are used therapeutically, and the live tree is often used as fencing (5, 6). With little water needed to grow it and the ability to utilize every part of the tree, moringa is a sustainable option across multiple industries with virtually endless uses. History and Global Use of Moringa The moringa (Moringa oleifera) tree is a fast-growing, deciduous tree native to subtropical areas in southern Asia, Africa, and South America. Because of its ability to grow year-round, many cultures have used various parts of the moringa tree both medicinally and as a food source. First described around 2000 B.C., moringa was used as a remedy for over 300 conditions in traditional medicine (1). Today, it continues to thrive globally because of its ability to sustainably improve diets by adding protein, micronutrients, and other phytochemicals. #isagenix #moringa #moringahealthbenefits #moringabenefits #moringatree' Purchase organic highest quality Moringa now with ONE SOCIAL special discout 60 day dupply at $9.99. https://amzn.to/3yfWGug   References 1. Matic I, Guidi A, Kenzo M, et al. Investigation of medicinal plants traditionally used as dietary supplements: A review on Moringa oleifera. J Public Health Afr. 2018 Dec 21; 9(3): 841. 2. Olson ME, Sankaran RP, Fahey JW, et al. Leaf Protein and Mineral Concentrations across the “Miracle Tree” Genus Moringa. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159782. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0159782 3. Glover-Amengor M, Aryeetev R, Afari E, et al. Micronutrient composition and acceptability of Moringa oleifera leaf-fortified dishes by children in Ada-East district, Ghana. Food Sci Nutr. 2017 Mar; 5(2): 317–323. 4. Gopalakrishnan L, Doriya K, Kumar DS. Moringa oleifera: A review on nutritive importance and its medicinal application. Food Science and Human Wellness. 2016 June; 5(2): 49-56. 5. Mulugeta G and Fekadu A. Industrial and Agricultural Potentials of Moringa. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 4 14. 6. Masih LP, Singh S, Elamathi S, et al. Moringa: A multipurpose crop – A review. Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad 85 No. 3 September 2019 pp. 589-601  
by January 15, 2018
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<p>What defines the greatness of Men? Is it just the results you get? Or the commitment to pursuit your dreams? Why some people are afraid of the ocean while others can't live without dropping 40 feet waves?<br /> <br /> This short documentary follows the story of João de Macedo, an underdog big wave surfer who tries to run the world tour without a major sponsor. Filmed over the last 6 months in some of the most iconic big wave surf spots around the world.</p>
by October 7, 2019
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http://CBDtheInsideStory.com What is CBD oil? What are the benefits of CBD? How does CBD work? This is The Inside Story of Cannabidiol about the benefits and physiological effects of CBD on the human body. A couple of years ago a remarkable thing happened when CBD oil became legal in all 50 states. If you remove CBD from the THC coming from the cannabis plant or the hemp plant, CBD oil is now legal to use as a nutritional supplement. Since that time of course, the market for cannabis oil has exploded with interest. Truly, CBD is not just another nutritional supplement. This short conversation is going to describe the intense scientific research that is going on around the world on the benefits of CBD, or cannabidiol, and why it is so important for human physiology. In our actual physiology where does CBD work? We are going to travel into our physiology. Right into our central nervous system. We are going to see at the level of individual cells that the cell surface is covered with these green receptors. These are receptors for CBD. When the CBD binds to that receptor it sends a message into the cell which travels all the way down into the nucleus of the cell where the intelligence of our entire physiology is contained in our chromosomes. Here a chromosome will unwind and you are going to see the DNA that contains the codes for everything that our body does. This is like the software that runs our physiology. Genes are the codes for every protein that our bodies make. Including all the signaling molecules that run our physiology. Such as our neurotransmitters that run our nervous system. Our hormones that run our endocrine system and our cytokines that run our immune system. So we see that throughout our physiology we have receptors specifically designed to bind with cannabidiol and CBD has its effect on the nucleus of our cells where proteins are being made. Cannabidiol modulates the transcription of over 1100 genes that make the signaling molecules that naturally reduce inflammation in our central nervous system and throughout our immune system. Restoring homeostasis to both our immune and central nervous systems. Bottom line… One of the benefits of cannabidiol is that it causes a cascade of Homeostasis through our entire central nervous system and our entire immune system. Why is this happening? As I mentioned before we have receptors in our body for CBD. This is called the endo-cannabinoid system. Back in medical school we didn’t’t even know about the endo-cannabinoid system. It was discovered in the 1990’s by Dr. Rafael Mechoulan from the Hebrew University in Israel. So the endo-cannabinoid system is a network of cells throughout our body that have receptors for CBD. In fact, there are more receptors for CBD in our body than any other kind of receptor. So the endo-cannabinoid system is truly the largest network of its kind throughout our entire physiology. Among other things Dr. Mechoulam also discovered that we make our own cannabinoids in or body. This is Anandamide and 2AG. Those two are natural cannabinoids that our bodies make and bind to our CBD receptors. Our bodies are filled with CBD receptors. What kind of symptoms what kind of stress do all these things cause to us? If your immune system is inflamed you might be suffering from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, inflamed bowel disease, lupus and thyroid. Or fibromyalgia or even multiple sclerosis. And you skin, psoriasis and eczema and all sorts of other chronic infections. Do you realize that many of things didn’t even exist 100 or 150 years ago. Incidences of these sorts of diseases is growing throughout the last century. Now lets take a look at your central nervous system. If it is inflamed what types of things might you be suffering from? Brain fog, migraines, epilepsy, anxiety and PTSD, ADD, ADHD, autism and insomnia. Again, 100 or 150 years ago these kinds of symptoms, these kind of diseases where rare. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, any of these symptoms, CBD might provide you with tremendous healing, tremendous relief, right through your own natural endo-cannabinoid system that brings homeostasis both to your immune system and to your central nervous system. In conclusion, what have we learned from this conversation? That health is achieved through physiological homeostasis right through our natural endo-cannabinoid systems. Therefore, CBD is an indispensable catalyst for optimal health. http://ashermilgrom.primemybody.com
by November 19, 2019
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Learn how forests have the ability to heal people. Please share and help spread some healing. For more info visit: http://www.healingforest.org Or join our learning…
by November 19, 2019
This is a project I made at school. I decided to create an animation with the great text from The School of Life. Read the full text here: http://www.thebookoflife.org/philosophy-and-insomnia/
by May 4, 2020
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Take a break with a MOTIVATION SESH to help you get in the right mindset and motivated towards living a healthy and happy life. JAYNE TV MOTIVATION SESH features business leaders, life coaches, thought leaders and experts in helping people reach their goals. #Motivation #mentalhealth #JAYNETV #mentalhealth 
by May 5, 2020
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WATCH JAYNE’S NEW TV AD - Self nurturing is important. Self care is important. Making your own health choices is important. Having natural health choices is most important. JAYNE SAYS, Take care of yourself. #HEALTH #NATURALMEDICINE #CBD #SELFCARE #MedicalMarijuna