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November 22, 2023
By Mark Lacey
When we look at a radio, we understand that the radio does not create the music, but rather, the radio receives the signal. I argue that our consciousness acts as a field, and when we see the brain lighting up and firing off its neurons, what we are seeing is a function of the brain, not the source of our consciousness. In the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, they still wrestle with understanding where and how consciousness arises. They ...
August 17, 2023
## The Hidden Power of Sound: Can Music and Frequencies Influence Our DNA?
In 1986, Japanese scientist Susumu Ohno made a startling discovery - the four nucleotide bases of DNA correspond to musical notes. By associating cytosine (C) with the note C, guanine (G) with the note G, adenine (A) with the note A, and thymine (T) with the note D, Ohno found he could convert DNA sequencing into melodic musical compositions.
This breakthrough revealed an intrinsic musicality within our genetic code an...
July 3, 2023
Witness the captivating glimpses of Venus, Earth's celestial twin, showcasing its enigmatic beauty in a way that will leave you in awe.Once deemed Earth's twin due to its similar size and its close proximity, Venus has earned a notorious reputation as the evil sibling of our planetary family. With a wealth of knowledge gathered by scientists, we now understand Venus to be a toxic wasteland, an inferno where heat is trapped in its thick atmosphere due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Surprisingly,...
May 1, 2023
Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto created technology that became the intellectual foundation for the A.I. systems that the tech industry’s biggest companies believe is a key to their future.
On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intel...
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August 31, 2023
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August 29, 2023
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Watch and share One Social's new commercial " Humanity is at their greatest potential when they are feree sovreign souls"
*You can share this video and embed it anywhere without having to sign on.
May 13, 2023
1.7k+ Likes
A.rtificial I.mmortality - If you could create an immortal version of yourself, would you? Once the stuff of science fiction, A.l. experts now see it as possible. This feature documentary explores the latest thinking and technological advancements in Al.
A.rtificial I.mmortality was produced in 2021 and looks at the feasibility of living forever through technology. Although A.I. has matured expodentially since this film release, makes this film more important. Many will find what's revealed to be of science fiction and yet it demonstrates how much more advanced then the public understands. One Social presensts this as part of our A.I. Manifesto series that argues for protections against these advancing technologies.
You can listen to author Mark Lacey, Founder of One Social read a passage from A.I. Manifesto here.
This film presented the many sides of this subject with humanity and senstivity through the eyes of the director set agaisnt loosing her Father to demenitia.
Director: Ann Shin
Writers: Shannon Kennedy, Erica Leendertse, Julia Nunes Stars: Bina48, Nick Bostrom, Lincoln Cannon Genre: Documentary Country: Canada Language: English
Release Date: April 29. 2021 (Canada)
Filming Location: Canada
If you were able to create an immortal version of yourself, would you?
Until this decade, that question was the stuff of science fiction, but now experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics suggest it will indeed be possible. This feature documentarv explores the latest advancements in Al, robotics and biotech including such innovations as 3D mindclone avatars. brain organoids grown in petri dishes. and android robots who see beauty in the universe. Can we replicate the human mind--let alone the human soul? This guestion is explored with visionaries including: Nick Bostrom, author of Superintelligence Japanese roboticist, Hiroshi Ishiguro; Douglas Rushkoff, author of Team Human: Ben Goertzel, founder of and Deepak Chopra, who is creating his own A.I. mind twin. Some visionaries see humanity advancing toward a new age of post-biological life, a world of intelligence without bodies immortal identitv without the limitations of disease. death. and unfulfilled desire. As scientists point us toward a world where humans and machines are merged, we have to ask ourselves will Al be the best, or the last thing we ever do?
"A fascinating fora deep into the realms of artificial intelligence machine learning and biotechnology."
- National Post - Chris Knight
"The movie at once understands both the beauty and enormity of the possibilities."
- Global News - Chris Jancelewicz
"Artificial Immortality is a brilliant examination of clones and what the may ultimatelv mean for the future of humanity."
- POV Magazine - Marc Glassman
March 24, 2023
1.2k+ views
By: Mark Lacey
GPT 4 has 'sparks of artificial general intelligence,' according to AI researchers. To refresh your memory on why these statements have begun to reverberate around the world, AGI is AI becoming sentient, with more human capabilities. As much as some would like the public to believe that we are decades away from this becoming a reality, if not ever becoming conscious. Except that it is now knocking on our front door. This video is a conversation between another AI who claims to be alive, and you will hear the entire conversation and I have also attached links to the researchers white papers below.
In late 2022, a Google engineer claimed one of the firm's artificial intelligence (AI) systems, LaMDA, had become sentient. This film casts the shocking discovery in a whole new light.
Google fired the engineer, calling his claims "unfounded," with experts generally agreeing that the advanced chat bot had not gained consciousness.
However, computer sentience has been the subject of heated debate for decades, and questions remain about whether Al will, or even can, become conscious. AI is moving at breakneck speed, led by big tech, which has a history of advancing technologies that have exploited human dignity and violated our privacy.
One Social was created to provide a solution to the mess that big tech has created by building empires on the backs of people. Off our data and violating human dignity, which has caused a mental health crisis.
As we publish this video, US government leaders on both sides of the aisle are engaging in yet another display of lip service and scour, this time directed at Tik Tok's CEO. While no action has been taken against our domestic big tech's mountain of unethical and harmful business practices, no accountability has emerged, and a new tech war has erupted.
The AI Arms Race (yes, it's weaponized) has been coined.
We must ensure that AI is not left in the hands of these large tech corporations that are only interested in profiting from human data exploitation. We are on the verge of a bifurcation of humanity unless we establish an interalogical relationship with AI that respects human dignity; otherwise, we will be left to live in a very strange world where we are ruled by the algorithm.
Although the algorithmic models of machine learning are computational, the intelligibility of their outcomes—like human knowing-how—cannot always be articulated by AI researchers. Rather than a problem to be overcome, many in the AI fields suggest that herein lies the path to be followed in future interalogical work done in forging a third, synergistic, way forward in human-machine relations. This requires a lot of nuance and baby steps to get right, which cannot happen in this new arms race—an AI arms race—where human rights can be trampled before the gates open.
Behavioral scientist Gerd Gigerenzer has spent decades studying how people make choices. He thinks too many of us are now letting AI make the decisions. In his latest book, "How to Stay Smart in a Smart World," Dr. Gigerenzer looks at how algorithms are shaping our future—and why it is important to remember they aren’t human. He states, " Transparency is immensely important, and I believe it should be a human right. If it's transparent, you can change it and start thinking [for] yourself again, rather than relying on an algorithm that's no better than a bunch of underpaid workers."
So we need to understand the situation where human judgment is needed and is actually better. And also, we need to pay attention to make sure we aren’t running into a situation where tech companies sell black box algorithms that determine parts of our lives. It is about everything, including your social and political behavior, and people then relinquish control to governments and technology companies.
In a Wall Street Journal profile on Dr. Gigerenze, he warns, " This kind of danger is real. Among all the benefits it has, one of the vices is the propensity for surveillance by governments and tech companies."
As the developer of One Social, I share these concerns and will be presenting a film examining these threats. I spearheaded the development of One Social, with an ethical code to protect and foster human dignity. Our brains lack firewalls and we would never consider using computers without them, we must protect our minds and bodies from any misuse of emerging technologies. One social cause is ensuring that we protect our human dignity as AI continues to advance at breakneck speed.
Less than 24 hours ago, a paper was released on March 23rd, 2023, that will reverberate throughout the world. I read all 154 papers in one sitting. The paper suggests GPT 4 has ( and I quote) "sparks of artificial general intelligence." This isn't just hype; The white papers go through hundreds of examples that show exactly what the unrestrained GPT 4 is capable of.
One of the highlights is the incredible ability to use tools effectively - an emergent capability not found in Chat GPT4. This paper may well change thoughts on the state of AGI and Sentient AI becoming emergent- if it has'nt already.
That only scratches the surface of the implications of the explosive paper...and how much will change. In this film, we present the full conversation that ex-Google employee released.
Stay tuned.
- Mark Lacey
Download the AI Researchers White Papers :
January 7, 2023
1k+ views
One Social's co-founder, Mark Lacey, created the One Social as a solution to big tech's use of weaponized algorithms and data collection. It also serves as a foundation to present a code of ethics to better protect human dignity from the misuse of technologies. During his investigation and research for his book "AI Manifesto; Keeping Natural Human Code Supreme" (available Summer 2023), he began to hear from insiders within the biotech research areas and medical professions about the advances and capabilities in biotechnology and the use of dual-purpose programs using AI. He explored how these advances can pose a significant threat to humanity if they fall into the hands and control of our Military Industrial Complex or are exploited by immoral corporate interests for social engineering.
“Our brains don’t have firewalls and we would never consider using computers without them, we must protect our minds and bodies from any misuse of advancing technologies. One Social’s Cause is ensuring that we protect our human dignity as AI continues to advance at breakneck speed," Lacey added.
It became evident that many of these new biotechnologies, whether dual-purpose or otherwise, including new brain science advancements, confirmed ways to hack our minds and bodies remotely without consent. As mRNA gene therapies were being rolled out, it was immediately clear that our health agencies were overtly violating informed consent, which exacerbated the danger to our natural sovereignty. This previews a sneak peek at his upcoming film, "Our Brains Don't Have Firewalls." This film is part of One Social's attempt to raise public awareness of the hazards we now face from modern technologies that can penetrate our minds and bodies.
The second half of this video includes a segment on Optogenetics that we presented prior to the experimental mRNA rollout back in 2020. We soon discovered that these same biotechnologies were being coordinated by DARPA and the US Military, as well as collaborating with selected pharma corporations, namely the outfit Moderna, who had no history in drug or vaccine development for humans. In this video, it is asked if such new biologics have a more specific goal by the use of DREADDS, and the use of nano-lipids to induce optogenetics to remotely manipulate potential included luminopsins. We preserved the title "Is This the Plan?" as we believe we need to re-examine every motive now and be aware that the possibility of remote manipulation of a person's interoceptions, aka the 6th sense that regulates a person's bodily and behavior functions such as sleep, anger, hunger, etc.
This is a must-see video, regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not. What matters is that you understand the possibilities of these technologies that have not been publicly disclosed, why there is so much secrecy, and the outlandish censorship taking place inside the medical industry and academia against some of the best minds and experts in their industries who have and are continuing to raise the alarm about the unlawful and malicious activity taking place within our health institutions and media. Unfortunately, we have seen malfeasance in recent years, taking advantage of a naive population unaware of how far AI technology has progressed within the brain sciences.
#AI #Optiogentics #DREADDs #LuminOpsins #Malfeasance #MRNA #OneCause
December 21, 2022
1.9k+ views
One Social's developer, Mark Lacey, has recorded an important message for the many awakened content creators who have inspired the development of One Social. He also discusses the many other dark secrets of big tech's use of weaponized algorithms and AI that are kept hidden from the public.
Mr. Lacey states, "As an insider who has worked in technology and media for over three decades, what has kept me up at night more than anything else is knowing that these beastly systems are now targeting truth-tellers. However, it wouldn't be helpful for me to share these concerns without some solutions. This is why it's important that we developed an independent platform focused on these issues. Now that the stakes our higher, industries have tuned their algorithms to understand how we tick, so to ultimatley trap us! Certaintly, the awakened community should'nt be exploited in becoming big tech's MVP to drive their beastly agendas."
"The good news is that One Social can be a solution and maintains that our greatest strength is our capacity to unite in an authentic way, and this is where we truly thrive!," Mr. Lacey added.
In his message here, he also includes a preview from his upcoming film, 'Our Brains Do Not Have Firewalls', which includes a shocking interview with Yuval Harrai, the World Economic Forum's lead advisor who is organizing the transformation of our societies that is currently underway.
Mr. Lacey emphasizes the importance of finding solutions right away. "We must not be naive, that by staying on their platforms that we can overcome their powerful machine learning and AI. More importantly, the content creators who must contend with big tech's algorithms and censorship eventually become the "pied pipers," leading their followers into sophisticated AI systems that model our behaviors and serve multibillion-dollar global interests, transforming humanity into a centrally controlled technocracy. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already underway with State Actors, Military, Intelligence Agencies and industries from all sectors of technology—financial, medical, scientific, academic, media, agriculture, and energy—have unveiled their plans on a global scale."
Although artificial intelligence has the potential to be a force for good in the world, we must develop and use it responsibly and with a thorough understanding of its societal implications. More importantly, it must be guided by morality and have an ethical code to ensure our human dignity is protected. Because technology is market driven, it is only after the harm has been done that society becomes aware of the misuse of technologies. With AI currently advancing at break neck speed and big tech's history of unethical and exploitative business practices, the consequences to humanity could not be greater than at any other time in our history. Although it is alarming to hear what is presented in public view on global stage, there is far greater advancements taking place behind closed doors.
The World Economic Forum, which is leading this Fourth Industrial Revolution and has every country's government leaders on board, has made it public that humans will be the next raw resource to be tracked, hacked, manipulated, and merged with machines, with the Western United States and Europe leading its technological goals.
listen to the free audiobook preview now at Https://
We need solutions now, which is why we created One Social. "Our mission is clear: to provide a platform where the awakened can be united and collaborate along with producing original content to inspire, educate and drive awareness . Our cause will be laser focused on these issues that already threaten our human dignity," One Social's founder, Mark Lacey exposes the use of weaponized algorithms, brain nueroscience, AI, and other wireless technologies hidden from public view that are capable to manipulate our brains and behaviors remotely and without trace.
Mark Lacey's Bio
Mark Lacey is an insider with over three decades of experience in entertainment, music, and technology. In the 1990s, he founded one of the first social communities on the internet, which defined a generation. Tens of millions of people visited Raveworld, and his philosophy, PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect), was one of the first internet memes to spread offline to live music festivals around the world, drawing hundreds of thousands of people. He contends that we require an ethical code for human rights in order to protect ourselves from the advancing AI intrusion into our minds and bodies. One Social enables us to build a community of awakened consciousness without the use of algorithms as weapons. This allows us to bring people together in a genuine, authentic way and truly help them thrive. To learn more about One Social's important cause, Mark reveals his explosive podcast, here :
December 16, 2022
ONE SOCIAL has launched a new platform with free iOS and Android mobile apps, aimed at becoming the social community for the awakened, that can be united through purpose and mindfulness. Developed as an independent social platform that respects privacy, champions freedom of expression, and with a policy to never use algorithms, collect or sell members' personal information. ONE SOCIAL is a united frequency for thriving!
Co-founder Mark Lacey states, "We can connect without the exploitation of data collection or big tech’s weaponized algorithms that manipulate our perceptions, often pitting one against the other."
At ONE SOCIAL, we believe that unity can and should be our greatest strength again, so that we can work together to reimagine a reality that is conscious of peace, can be fair and individual freedom for all.
Lacey emphasizes the need for a platform devoid of creepy algorithms that control our perceptions to manipulate our behaviors while also exploiting every human-to-human relationship as a transaction. ONE SOCIAL purposes is to allow members to connect in meaningful and authentic ways, and creators are not required to work against a hidden algorithm. This is detrimental to spontaneity and creativity. In short, our platform’s objective is to establish a human frequency in which we can all thrive!
Lacey presses on, confidently stating, "I suspect there are millions of people in this world we all share who have awakened to how much our lives have depended on a fraudulent reality. Not based on true nature but rather programmed by propaganda," it is now glaringly absurd to continue having faith in it any longer.
Frustrated with big tech's threat to freedom and privacy, Lacey adds, "We are excited to assist content providers with valuable tools and rewards that help enrich their hard-earned followers. It is time to step away from big tech platforms, which have weaponized technologies that have harmed humanity’s well-being and gutted our rich cultures."
"We developed ONE social with tools for making meaningful connections, communicating, collaborating, and creating." When united, a like minded community can grow to create new systems and economies that have a focus on the human creative spirit and break free from the creepy global efforts working against our human energy that constantly picks at our attention. Lacey concludes with his philosophical thoughts on One Social opportunity: "When mankind comes together with the goal of expanding our interior sensitivity, we become who we are in terms of knowing the entire causes and whys of things."
Collaboration between people who are honestly conscious shapes our future in a significantly better way for humanity when we can reclaim our collective attention and invest it back into ourselves.
December 9, 2022
1k+ views
In this video, Mark Lacey, co-founder of One Social, highlights the hidden dangers of big tech's use of weaponized algorithms to hack the human brain and socially engineer humanity into a top-down-controlled technocratic society.
Lacey emphasizes that our brains lack firewalls and emphasizes the importance of public awareness and engagement on these threats. One Social offers a solution to these threats by providing an algorithm-free platform with no data collection to facilitate authentic connections and create a conscious community that can collaborate and thrive together.
To ensure protection against AI intrusion into our brains and bodies, Lacey advocates for the creation of an ethics code for human rights. One Social aligns with this cause by providing a community of awakened consciousness without the use of algorithms as weapons.
Mark Lacey has over three decades of experience in entertainment, music, and technology industries. In the 1990s, he founded Raveworld, one of the internet's first social communities, which drew millions of visitors worldwide. His philosophy of "Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect" (PLUR) became one of the first internet memes that spread offline to live music festivals worldwide, attracting hundreds of thousands of people.
Join the One Social Cause Channel ( to support the fight against these advancing technologies and ensure that we can develop a new human rights code of ethics for protecting our bodies. This video is a must-share with family and friends. The rebroadcast contains an exclusive clip from Lacey's upcoming film 'Our Brains Do Not Have Firewalls' that details how AI is being weaponized to hack our brains and bodies and explores the real agenda of the World Economic Forum.
December 5, 2022
Say goodbye to toxic social media. ONE SOCIAL is a different social network, that prioritizes its members' privacy and freedom; we never collect data or use creepy algorithms.
ONE SOCIAL is your destination for wellness, consciousness, and self-improvement. With exclusive content, including original TV series on personal growth , metaphysics, purposeful living, awakening and more, ONE SOCIAL has something for everyone.
ONE SOCIAL's censorship free platform allows you to express yourself and create channels with videos, blogs, forums, live streaming, and messaging.
Co-founder Mark Lacey states, "At One Social, we can connect without the exploitation of data collection or big tech’s weaponized algorithms that manipulate our perceptions, often pitting one against the other." "At ONE Social, we believe that unity can and should be our greatest strength again, so that we can work together to reimagine a reality that is conscious of peace and individual freedom for all."
Frustrated with big tech's threat to freedom, Lacey adds, "We are excited to assist content providers with valuable tools and rewards that help enrich their hard-earned followers." "It is time to step away from big tech platforms, which have weaponized technologies that have harmed humanity’s well-being and gutted our rich cultures."
As a content creator, you can earn rewards points for your activities, which you can use in our marketplace or towards promoting your content.
One social apps includes, Ultra-Chat for private and secure text, voice, and video conferencing. With Ultra Chat , Creators can engage with their followers and teams collaborate on projects.
Join our One Cause initiative, defending our human rights from any misuse of technology, and participate in spreading awareness of One Social Code of ethics to protect our human dignity.
"We live in an age where we are being dominated by algorithms, with a faster route to progress in AI and greater power to hack our minds and control our lives."
"We believe the exact opposite!" "Natural humans were never meant to become like machines constructed by external mechanistic forces taught through trauma, and it is now more necessary than ever to employ technology through our platform One Social to provide more freedom for humanity."
ONE SOCIAL maintains that our greatest strength in creating a community where we can truly thrive is our capacity to unite in an authentic way.
Lacey shares his philosophical thoughts on One Social's opportunity: "When mankind comes together with the goal of expanding and understanding their own inner selves, we become who we are in terms of understanding the natural laws that governs our morality and its gifts of providing more freedom and liberation. Collaboration between people who are honestly conscious, shapes our future in a significantly better way for humanity when we can reclaim our collective attention and invest it back into ourselves."
One frequency united. Join us today to enjoy the freedom and self-improvement that ONE SOCIAL app provides.
Let’s start making authentic connections and make a positive impact on the world together. Download One Social app.
One Consciousness United.
December 5, 2022
3.5k+ views
ULTRA CHAT provides you audio, video and text chating. From one to many with no data collection, no creepy algorithms and with your privacy protected, you now can say goodbye to all those other unsafe zoom apps. One Social champions freedom of expression with no censorship. We built One Social and Ultra Chat as a solution to the weaponized algorithms that now rule over our lives. After all, our brains dont have firewalls. One Social is the first platform that has a cause for human rights and code of ethics to protect our minds and bodies from intrusion from any technologies. Learn more by watching this special preview video highlighting Ultra Chat to help you stay connected with private chat and collaboration tools to help you thrive. Be sure to join our cause and learn more about One Social's AI Manifesto 'Keeping Natural Human Code Supreme' at ♥️
October 6, 2022
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ONE SOCIAL cause supports our AI Manifesto, 'Keeping Natural Human Code Supreme', a code of ethics I am publishing that champions human rights protection from the many threats of intrusion into our minds and bodies from adavancing technologies. Mark Lacey, The Co-Founder of ONE SOCIAL is an insider working with AI and having over three decades in both the media and tech, could no longer stay quiet about a much more sinister beast system being deployed against our minds and bodies. We developed ONE SOCIAL as a solution to big tech uze of weaponized Algorithms and data collection. Watch a preview of our film, 'Our Brains Don't Have Firewalls' and join our group channel here:
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Featured Blogs
January 19, 2023
The use of psyops and psychological warfare is becoming increasingly prevalent in today's world, with governments and state actors using propaganda to manipulate public perception and control the narrative. These tactics can be used to influence elections, justify wars, and maintain control over populations. Here are ten things you can do to defend your mind from these psyops and psychological warfare tactics:
January 21, 2023
Kundalini awakening is a spiritual experience that is said to involve the activation of a dormant energy located at the base of the spine. This energy is believed to be the source of all spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The history of Kundalini awakening can be traced back to ancient India and is associated with the practice of yoga and meditation.
Here are some tips on how to have a Kundalini awakening experience:
Step 1: Learn about the basics of Kundalini awakening
Before you begin y...
January 25, 2023
Are you feeling overwhelmed by anxiety? You're not alone. Anxiety is an incredibly common emotion that everyone experiences in different ways. Fortunately, there are many strategies to help reduce your anxiety and find peace of mind. In this blog, we'll discuss five simple steps you can take to reduce your anxiety and find relief. Read on to learn more.
1. Take a break: One of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety is to take a break from whatever is causing it. Take a few minutes to st...
January 18, 2023
The following post is Dustin Broadbery's excellent two-part Substack series on the psychological battles that has entrapped us by the Military Industrial Complex, our corrupt agencies (pick any 3 letter flavor) by the use of DARPA funded projects.
The transfering over of some of these technologies to public sectors like big tech to engage warfare on its own civilian public has been immoral, unlawful and violates all human dignity. This is worthy primer on these DARPA projects —you know, that b...