Newest Blogs
by November 22, 2023
By Mark Lacey YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS AS A FIELD When we look at a radio, we understand that the radio does not create the music, but rather, the radio receives the signal. I argue that our consciousness acts as a field, and when we see the brain lighting up and firing off its neurons, what we are seeing is a function of the brain, not the source of our consciousness. In the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, they still wrestle with understanding where and how consciousness arises. They ...
by August 17, 2023
## The Hidden Power of Sound: Can Music and Frequencies Influence Our DNA? In 1986, Japanese scientist Susumu Ohno made a startling discovery - the four nucleotide bases of DNA correspond to musical notes. By associating cytosine (C) with the note C, guanine (G) with the note G, adenine (A) with the note A, and thymine (T) with the note D, Ohno found he could convert DNA sequencing into melodic musical compositions.  This breakthrough revealed an intrinsic musicality within our genetic code an...
Witness the captivating glimpses of Venus, Earth's celestial twin, showcasing its enigmatic beauty in a way that will leave you in awe.Once deemed Earth's twin due to its similar size and its close proximity, Venus has earned a notorious reputation as the evil sibling of our planetary family. With a wealth of knowledge gathered by scientists, we now understand Venus to be a toxic wasteland, an inferno where heat is trapped in its thick atmosphere due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Surprisingly,...
Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto created technology that became the intellectual foundation for the A.I. systems that the tech industry’s biggest companies believe is a key to their future. On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intel...
Sponsored Album
by January 31, 2023
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If you enjoyed this video please click the like button and subscribe to our channel for more spiritual wisdom from Shunyamurti. In this satsang teaching, recorded during the Healing with Truth retreat (https://bit.ly/39XWpwd), Shunyamurti explains that everything is a function of the VFC level--the vibrational frequency of consciousness-the capacity to regulate, modulate, raise, and sometimes lower that frequency will determine one's capacity to successfully navigate reality, and thus, the key to transformation. If you have benefitted from these teachings, please consider making a love offering, so we can continue to provide access to this timeless wisdom. BECOME A PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/satyoga We have launched a Patron page in order to support this YouTube channel. All of our Youtube and podcast content is offered free of charge, and our channel isn't monetized, but it does require a team of dedicated yogis. MAKE A DONATION: https://www.satyoga.org/donate We appreciate vour support - please donate! MEMBERS SECTION ©New and Exclusive Weekly Teaching ©Shunyamurti's Essays @Guided Meditations @Searchable archive with over 300 teachings *Sign up today for your free 10-day trial* @https ://www.members.satyoga.org/ No credit card needed ABOUT SHUNYAMURTI: https://www.satyoga.org/shunyamurti
by December 17, 2022
Christain Pastor Doug Wilson who runs the popular 'Blog & Mablog' and famous podcast called the Plodcast discusses with N.D. Wilson how not all magic should be seen as evil. It is a questions of the type of magic that is bad or good, and also how it is used. In this provocative discourse, he answers questions about the use of magic relating in literature and how much of scripture pertaining to miracles were in fact magic at the time.  Learn more about pastor Douglas Wilson at his website, www.dougwils.com, where he covers anything related to theology and culture with his usual entertaining style. Whether it involves talking about Chestertonian Calvinism (not an oxymoron), the benefits of a classical Christian education (not in that order), or the latest pomosexuality farce, the plodcast aims to apply all of Christ to all of life, for all the world. Douglas Wilson is an evangelical, postmill, Calvinist, Reformed, and Presbyterian (pretty much in that order) and is politically to the right of Jeb Stuart.