A curated list of the best sound baths, crystal singing bowls, and healing 528 Hz frequencies to raise your frequencies for healing, detoxing, sleeping, and more
Having sleeping issues? Feeling anxious, stressed, or depressed? Experiencing Pain?
We've put together a list of the best long-form baths, which can last anywhere from three hours to more than twelve hours and include sound baths from artists and healers, healing vibrations, beautiful crystal bowls, thoughtful lighting, and themed sets that will take you to another world.
We have included our own 528 Hz frequency sessions to help with body, mind, and soul. While resonance is revealing many health and mental benefits from recent neuroscience, it is also uncovering how frequencies play a large part in our brain and interception functions.
Raising your brain frequency starts when your brain locks into the sound frequency that resonates and helps your body defend itself against emf pollution, any targeted energy attack, and the radiating emf that our bodies are constantly swimming in from wifi, 5G, and modern smart devices.
1. Make sure auto-play is turned on in the playlist. You can find this in the top-right corner of your web browser, next to the video you're watching.
2. All of the videos in the playlist have coordinated sound baths; there may be an advertisement before each new video from third-party streaming; however, once the video begins, it will run for the full duration of 3 to 12 hours, uninterrupted.
3. For sleeping, choosing one of the black-screen videos in our playlist is perfect if light bothers you; otherwise, start from the beginning with the Healing Vibration sound baths, as they are top production quality and have beautiful color therapy; theme sets are an added benefit.
4. Reduce the volume to a lower level than usual. Sound baths and crystal bowls tend to reverberate even at lower volumes. Connecting to Bluetooth-quality speakers, headphones, or earbuds will optimize your sessions.
5. Don't be surprised if you become addicted to these sound baths (it's a good addiction, though!). We are guilty of watching thousands of plays, and it's our go-to every night before bed.
6. Watch our series "One Frequencies" to learn the science behind the power of sound and the ground-breaking new discoveries of the hidden healing energy of frequencies. You can view our series here:
Be well. Feel Well.
💜One Frequency United
#SoundBaths #Frequencies #Healing # SleepSounds #528Hz #BrainEntrainment #Resonance