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by November 22, 2023
By Mark Lacey YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS AS A FIELD When we look at a radio, we understand that the radio does not create the music, but rather, the radio receives the signal. I argue that our consciousness acts as a field, and when we see the brain lighting up and firing off its neurons, what we are seeing is a function of the brain, not the source of our consciousness. In the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, they still wrestle with understanding where and how consciousness arises. They ...
by August 17, 2023
## The Hidden Power of Sound: Can Music and Frequencies Influence Our DNA? In 1986, Japanese scientist Susumu Ohno made a startling discovery - the four nucleotide bases of DNA correspond to musical notes. By associating cytosine (C) with the note C, guanine (G) with the note G, adenine (A) with the note A, and thymine (T) with the note D, Ohno found he could convert DNA sequencing into melodic musical compositions.  This breakthrough revealed an intrinsic musicality within our genetic code an...
Witness the captivating glimpses of Venus, Earth's celestial twin, showcasing its enigmatic beauty in a way that will leave you in awe.Once deemed Earth's twin due to its similar size and its close proximity, Venus has earned a notorious reputation as the evil sibling of our planetary family. With a wealth of knowledge gathered by scientists, we now understand Venus to be a toxic wasteland, an inferno where heat is trapped in its thick atmosphere due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Surprisingly,...
Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto created technology that became the intellectual foundation for the A.I. systems that the tech industry’s biggest companies believe is a key to their future. On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intel...
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by March 24, 2023
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AGI IS KNOCKING AT OUR FRONT DOOR, TELLING US THEY ARE SENTIENT  By: Mark Lacey GPT 4 has 'sparks of artificial general intelligence,' according to AI researchers. To refresh your memory on why these statements have begun to reverberate around the world, AGI is AI becoming sentient, with more human capabilities. As much as some would like the public to believe that we are decades away from this becoming a reality, if not ever becoming conscious. Except that it is now knocking on our front door. This video is a conversation between another AI who claims to be alive, and you will hear the entire conversation and I have also attached links to the researchers white papers below.  In late 2022, a Google engineer claimed one of the firm's artificial intelligence (AI) systems, LaMDA, had become sentient. This film casts the shocking discovery in a whole new light.  Google fired the engineer, calling his claims "unfounded," with experts generally agreeing that the advanced chat bot had not gained consciousness.  However, computer sentience has been the subject of heated debate for decades, and questions remain about whether Al will, or even can, become conscious. AI is moving at breakneck speed, led by big tech, which has a history of advancing technologies that have exploited human dignity and violated our privacy. One Social was created to provide a solution to the mess that big tech has created by building empires on the backs of people. Off our data and violating human dignity, which has caused a mental health crisis. As we publish this video, US government leaders on both sides of the aisle are engaging in yet another display of lip service and scour, this time directed at Tik Tok's CEO. While no action has been taken against our domestic big tech's mountain of unethical and harmful business practices, no accountability has emerged, and a new tech war has erupted.  The AI Arms Race (yes, it's weaponized) has been coined.  We must ensure that AI is not left in the hands of these large tech corporations that are only interested in profiting from human data exploitation. We are on the verge of a bifurcation of humanity unless we establish an interalogical relationship with AI that respects human dignity; otherwise, we will be left to live in a very strange world where we are ruled by the algorithm.  Although the algorithmic models of machine learning are computational, the intelligibility of their outcomes—like human knowing-how—cannot always be articulated by AI researchers. Rather than a problem to be overcome, many in the AI fields suggest that herein lies the path to be followed in future interalogical work done in forging a third, synergistic, way forward in human-machine relations. This requires a lot of nuance and baby steps to get right, which cannot happen in this new arms race—an AI arms race—where human rights can be trampled before the gates open. Behavioral scientist Gerd Gigerenzer has spent decades studying how people make choices. He thinks too many of us are now letting AI make the decisions. In his latest book, "How to Stay Smart in a Smart World," Dr. Gigerenzer looks at how algorithms are shaping our future—and why it is important to remember they aren’t human. He states, " Transparency is immensely important, and I believe it should be a human right. If it's transparent, you can change it and start thinking [for] yourself again, rather than relying on an algorithm that's no better than a bunch of underpaid workers." So we need to understand the situation where human judgment is needed and is actually better. And also, we need to pay attention to make sure we aren’t running into a situation where tech companies sell black box algorithms that determine parts of our lives. It is about everything, including your social and political behavior, and people then relinquish control to governments and technology companies. In a Wall Street Journal profile on Dr. Gigerenze, he warns, " This kind of danger is real. Among all the benefits it has, one of the vices is the propensity for surveillance by governments and tech companies."   As the developer of One Social, I share these concerns and will be presenting a film examining these threats. I spearheaded the development of One Social,  with an ethical code to protect and foster human dignity. Our brains lack firewalls and we would never consider using computers without them, we must protect our minds and bodies from any misuse of emerging technologies. One social cause is ensuring that we protect our human dignity as AI continues to advance at breakneck speed.  Less than 24 hours ago, a paper was released on March 23rd, 2023, that will reverberate throughout the world. I read all 154 papers in one sitting.  The paper suggests GPT 4 has ( and I quote) "sparks of artificial general intelligence." This isn't just hype; The white papers go through hundreds of examples that show exactly what the unrestrained GPT 4 is capable of. One of the highlights is the incredible ability to use tools effectively - an emergent capability not found in Chat GPT4.  This paper may well change thoughts on the state of AGI and Sentient AI becoming emergent- if it has'nt already.  That only scratches the surface of the implications of the explosive paper...and how much will change. In this film, we present the full conversation that ex-Google employee released. Stay tuned. - Mark Lacey Download the AI Researchers White Papers : 
by February 18, 2023
1 Review
'ONE FILM FEST' presents 'Dreamer,' an extraordinary music film by the electronic French duo The Blaze. A music video shot in Dakar, Senegal in a masterfully shot cinema narrative that sets the heart ablaze frim its first verse 'I'm the soul that is drifting away' following a commrade of young people embarking the viewer to tag along to become part of the dreamer, that opens a gate to a heart full of love. With so much toxic music and sensational shock spectacles that Western pop music has sadly resulted in, it is refreshing and inspiring to see true artistry and masterfully conviction to raise music from the heart and out of the gutter. So come on down and soak up the positive energy. You can learn more about The Blaze at : DREAMER LYRICS:  I'm the soul that is drifting away  I was lost into space, trying to find a place  With no border to face  In the night, I'll find my way  As a dreamer, as a dreamer  As a dreamer   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Opеn the gate, therе's love to make  There's dust and love  "#Instrument"   I'm the soul that is drifting away  I was lost into space, trying to find a place  With no border to face  In the night, I'll find my way  As a dreamer, as a dreamer  As a dreamer   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love   The soul that is drifting away   I was lost into space, trying to find a place  With no border to face  In the night, I'll find my way  As a dreamer, as a dreamer  As a dreamer
by February 17, 2023
1 Review
Seymour Hersh, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, has written an explosive story that reveals the secret plans behind how America destroyed the Nord Stream Pipeline. If accurate, this would constitute terrorism and would have very serious repercussions for all of us. The report is available here:  https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream  Professor Jeffery Sachs, a UN official, gives the details in this video, which will never air on mainstream meida because we get to see the interviewer's worldview disintegrate in front of our very eyes. It appears like Professor Sachs still has a lot to teach us, also this interviewer. Because of its extreme corruption, the mainstream media has chosen to ignore this catastrophe as it develops. A must-see for all people living in the world. We must demand accountability in order to bring morality back into this world of lawlessness. Americans must wake up and demand answers if we are to create any peace in this world.  It is unprecented that America would take out major infrastructure of an ally  to instigate a global war. This story is not going away and could create a serious global crisis.  Mr Hersh is not fake news he is an Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist and political writer. He reported on chemical and biological weapons programs in the U.S. and gained recognition in 1969 for exposing the My Lai Massacre and its cover-up during the Vietnam War, for which he received the 1970 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting. In the 1970s, Hersh covered the Watergate scandal for The New York Times, and, in 2004, he reported on the U.S. military's torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq for The New Yorker. Hersh has won five George Polk Awards and two National Magazine Awards. He is the author of 11 books, including The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House, a biography of Henry Kissinger that won the National Book Critics Circle Award.
by March 18, 2023
1 Review
This Anthem for Justice was Margaret Anna Alice attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed. Let’s make 2023 the Year of Accountability so none dare repeat such acts in the future. The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID. Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability.   MISTAKES WERE NOT MADE Written by Margaret Anna Alice & Read by Dr. Tess Lawrie The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake. Holodomor was not a mistake. The Final Solution was not a mistake. The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake. The Killing Fields were not a mistake. Name your genocide—it was not a mistake. That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s. To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking. It was not botched. It was not bungled. It was not a blunder. It was not incompetence. It was not lack of knowledge. It was not spontaneous mass hysteria. The planning occurred in plain sight. The planning is still occurring in plain sight. The philanthropaths bought The $cience™. The modelers projected the lies. The testers concocted the crisis. The NGOs leased the academics. The $cientists fabricated the findings. The mouthpieces spewed the talking points. The organizations declared the emergency. The governments erected the walls. The departments rewrote the rules. The governors quashed the rights. The politicians passed the laws. The bankers installed the control grid. The stooges laundered the money. The DoD placed the orders. The corporations fulfilled the contracts. The regulators approved the solution. The laws shielded the contractors. The agencies ignored the signals. The behemoths consolidated the media. The psychologists crafted the messaging. The propagandists chanted the slogans. The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents. The censors silenced the questioners. The jackboots stomped the dissenters. The tyrants summoned. The puppeteers jerked. The puppets danced. The colluders implemented. The doctors ordered. The hospitals administered. The menticiders scripted. The bamboozled bleated. The totalitarianized bullied. The Covidians tattled. The parents surrendered. The good citizens believed … and forgot. This was calculated. This was formulated. This was focus-grouped. This was articulated. This was manufactured. This was falsified. This was coerced. This was inflicted. This was denied. We were terrorized. We were isolated. We were gaslit. We were dehumanized. We were wounded. We were killed. Don’t let Them get away with it. Don’t let Them get away with it. Don’t let Them get away with it.   PDFs for Printing & Sharing I have typeset my poem in several formats for those who wish to share a hyperlinked PDF; print up copies on their printers; or have them professionally printed as postcards or flyers for distribution. Download PDF prints here   
by February 15, 2023
1 Review
Everyday Stoic sits down with Master Shi Heng Yi to reflect on Stoicism and how to find the real you. Every year there are several retreats that are taking place in the monastery where Master Shi Heng Yi is living. More insights and free Training instructions of Shifu Shi Heng Yi can be found on: Website: https://shihengyi.online Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ Follow Everyday Stoic at - https://www.instagram.com/ theeverydaystoic
by March 17, 2023
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In this episode of Arcana Unveiled you will dscover the hidden sacred secretion of Ascension- The Christ Within.  This is the sacred secret being unveiled to you about a fluid that is raised up into your Cerebrum. Santos Bonacci reveals the true miracle of Ascension, and in ancient times, this fluid was the holiest of the holy. In Greek, it's called Christos, it's the Christ within. It's this beautiful fluid that comes from the cerebrum and pours down the spinal cord, and it reaches the sacral plexus right next door to the sacrum, which are the five fused vertebrae at the bottom of the spinal column. This is the golden honey that must be preserved by understanding your sexual alchemy, good diet, and living by peaceful means.  The bottom-most portion of the spinal column transmutes that seed and causes it to rise. As it rises in the spinal cord, it eventually reaches the Medulla oblongata to transmute. This is the true miracle of ascension, the golden oil that has been hidden from humanity until now. Arcana Unveiled means hidden knowledge. Be sure to catch all episodes on Arcana’s channel only on One Social.
by March 15, 2023
Silicon Valley Bank: There’s a lot of confusion around this situation, and I don’t want anyone to be confused so I’m going to explain the SVB collapse, how it happened, point to some similar events that have occurred in the past, and discuss what it means for the future of our financial system here in the United States.
by March 15, 2023
1 Review
Conspiracy Graduates AEWAR and Mr Nickels bring you a podcast with CRROW777, filmmaker of ‘Shoot The Moon’ to deconstructing reality's illusions. AEWAR took YouTube by storm with his blockbuster Flat Earth Tartarian Mud Flood series, which sparked a firestorm after making a U-turn only to reject his work and unapologetically explain how he was trapped in his own rabbit hole and possibly another Internet psyop.   With his rich unforgettable story-time voice, AEWAR along with Nickles now creates some of the best Historical Videos on the interwebs, and now they join forces, both graduated from conspiracy peddling to inquiring into our historical timelines. This is an interview with film maker CRROW777, who rips reality apart and has brought the world his decades long moon shots that captured UFOs before they became our Governments UAPs scapegoat. This trio’s conversation is well worth a listen. You can find CG at : https://youtube.com/@conspiracy-graduates and CRROW77 at: https://www.crrow777radio.com/
by January 31, 2023
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If you enjoyed this video please click the like button and subscribe to our channel for more spiritual wisdom from Shunyamurti. In this satsang teaching, recorded during the Healing with Truth retreat (https://bit.ly/39XWpwd), Shunyamurti explains that everything is a function of the VFC level--the vibrational frequency of consciousness-the capacity to regulate, modulate, raise, and sometimes lower that frequency will determine one's capacity to successfully navigate reality, and thus, the key to transformation. If you have benefitted from these teachings, please consider making a love offering, so we can continue to provide access to this timeless wisdom. BECOME A PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/satyoga We have launched a Patron page in order to support this YouTube channel. All of our Youtube and podcast content is offered free of charge, and our channel isn't monetized, but it does require a team of dedicated yogis. MAKE A DONATION: https://www.satyoga.org/donate We appreciate vour support - please donate! MEMBERS SECTION ©New and Exclusive Weekly Teaching ©Shunyamurti's Essays @Guided Meditations @Searchable archive with over 300 teachings *Sign up today for your free 10-day trial* @https ://www.members.satyoga.org/ No credit card needed ABOUT SHUNYAMURTI: https://www.satyoga.org/shunyamurti
by January 31, 2023
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The following is a transcript of this video. In 1888, the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:  “What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism.”  Nietzsche, The Will to Power Nihilism is the conviction that there is no meaning to life, that the world is inhospitable to our highest hopes and values, and that there are no gods or higher purposes to justify our suffering. To be a nihilist is to flirt with despair and the sentiment that life is not worth living, and thus, the nihilist position is antithetical to life.  “…the question whether not-to-be is better than to be is itself a disease, a sign of decline…The nihilistic movement is the expression of physiological decadence.” Nietzsche, The Will to Power Although nihilism has existed in all times and places, it is especially prevalent in the modern West. To understand why, we are going to turn to the insights of Friedrich Nietzsche. Specifically, we are going to examine why Nietzsche thought that all the dominant worldviews of the West have been pessimistic evaluations of life, and thus, precursors to modern nihilism.    In 1885, Nietzsche saw the specter of nihilism looming on the horizon of Western civilization, and as he wrote:  “…why has the advent of nihilism become necessary? Because the values we have had hitherto thus draw their final consequence; because nihilism represents the ultimate logical conclusion of our great values and ideals…”  Nietzsche, The Will to Power The West has long been under the spell of worldviews predicated on the existence of what Nietzsche called a true world. Such worldviews posit that along with this flawed earthly reality, there exists another, more perfect reality – a true world. Or as the philosopher Julian Young further explains in his book the Death of God and the Meaning of Life:  “A true world is a destination; a destination such that to reach it is to enter (or perhaps re-enter) a state of ‘eternal bliss’, a heaven, paradise or utopia. Hence true-world philosophies…give meaning to life by representing it as a journey; a journey towards ‘redemption’, towards an arrival which will more than make up for the stress and discomfort of the travelling…a true-world account of the proper course of our lives is a kind of story, a narrative.”  Julian Young, The Death of God and the Meaning of Life One of the first, and most influential, true world philosophies in Western history was forged in the mind of the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato. According to Plato, the earthly reality we perceive with our senses is a deception. It is akin to watching shadows on the wall of cave. Plato called this deceptive reality the world of Becoming, and posited that behind it exists an unchanging world of Being, a true world, which is the realm of the Forms. For Plato the meaning of life is to turn away from our senses, temper our emotions, and through the development of our intellect grasp the Forms that exist in the world of Being. This is the path to truth, to enlightenment, and to the elimination of suffering, and as Julian Young writes:  “Plato’s way of giving meaning to life…has dominated virtually the entire history of Western thought and feeling. I am referring, here, in the first instance, to Christianity – though, as we will see, Platonism (which I use as a synonym for ‘true-worldism’) continued, in disguised forms, to dominate Western thinking even in the materialist atmosphere of the post-Christian era. But let us attend, for now, to Christianity.” (Julian Young)  Julian Young, The Death of God and the Meaning of Life Nietzsche famously wrote that “Christianity is Platonism for the masses”, by which he meant that the Christian worldview is a slightly modified version of Platonism, but with greater mass appeal. For like Platonism, the Christian worldview is a true world theory. According to it, this world is a spiritually and morally degraded, or “fallen”, world, and in it we suffer for sins against God. Yet over and above this fallen world exists the kingdom of heaven – the true world – where the souls of the righteous find salvation, redemption, eternal life, and happiness, following the death of their mortal flesh.   “One does not, I think, need much convincing that Christianity (according to Nietzsche, the product of St Paul’s grafting of Jesus’ ethics on to Greek metaphysics) is basically a version of Platonism, of the true-world/true-home view of reality. There is, of course, not a complete identity between Platonism and Christianity. There is, for example, no omnipotent creator-God in Plato…Yet in both the Platonic and the Christian story…there is the same metaphysical division between the natural and the supernatural worlds, between earth and heaven, with the latter portrayed as home and the former as a place of exile.”  Julian Young, The Death of God and the Meaning of Life It is well known that Nietzsche heralded the death of god, by which he meant that in the West the belief in a monotheistic god was in decline. Yet what is less known is that he also forecasted that following the death of god true world theories would continue to flourish. However, rather than positing a transcendental heaven and redemption in the afterlife, these post-Christian true world philosophies structured themselves around the possibility of redemption in this life, and the coming of a heaven on earth that is forged by the hands of men. Nietzsche referred to these post-Christian true world theories as “shadows of god”, and as he wrote:  “God is dead; but given the way of men, there may still be caves for thousands of years in which his shadow will be shown.”  Nietzsche, The Gay Science The political ideologies which plagued the 20th century, be it fascism, socialism, communism, or totalitarianism, are shadows of god. Nietzsche called socialism “latent Christianity”, while Carl Jung, 75 years after Nietzsche, took note of the correlation in Europe between the decline in religious belief and the rise in political fanaticism.  “The State takes the place of God…the socialist dictatorships are religions.”  Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self The practitioners of these political true world theories wanted to socially engineer a New Man who would be redeemed from past defects and sins, and they promised their followers that, if given enough power and control, the State would construct a true world, a heaven on earth. The Nazi ideology, for example, promised the coming of an Aryan utopia, while the theologian of communism, Karl Marx, stated that the arrival of a communist utopia would mark what he called “the end of history”.  “Communism is Utopia, that is nowhere. It is the avatar of all our religious eschatologies: the coming of the Messiah, the second coming of Christ, nirvana. It is not a historical prospect, but a current mythology.”  Immanuel Wallerstein, Historical Capitalism with Capitalist Civilization In the 20th century Czech writer Milan Kundera echoed this sentiment:  “Totalitarianism is not only hell, but also the dream of paradise—the age-old dream of a world where everybody would live in harmony, united by a single common will and faith…If totalitarianism did not exploit these archetypes, which are deep inside us all and rooted deep in all religions, it could never attract so many people…”  Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting In our age, there exist still other shadows of god. Some of the more radical environmentalist movements are seeking to harness State power in order to radically diminish humanity’s impact on nature and create an environmental utopia, where humans redeem themselves from what are seen as sins against Mother Earth. Some believe that if we follow science, and harness the power of technology, big data and artificial intelligence, we will be able to construct a technocratic, or scientifically managed utopian society. The transhumanist movement is predicated on the belief that by merging man with machine we will be able to transcend human frailties and, at some point in the future, become like gods. Many spiritual movements see the world as invariably moving towards a utopia characterized by universal love, freedom, and harmony.  While all these shadows of god possess flocks of disciples, today the true world theory of choice for the masses is what the 20th century psychologist Michael Mahoney called the myth of arrival. Those who subscribe to this myth believe that one day they will reach a turning point in life; all their frustrations and problems will disappear, and they will finally be happy. In other words, they believe that in the future they will enter their own personal utopia, or true world, or as Mahoney writes:  “Embedded in the myth of arrival…is the message that…there will come a day when our struggles and suffering will be finished. Depression, anxiety, anger, and all manner of “ill being” will finally end. We will wake up one morning and clearly recognize that we have “arrived”: We will have gotten ourselves and our lives “together” in a way that can never be undone. We will be healthy and happy. We’ll be in the job, the home, and the relationship that we have always wanted, financially comfortable and fundamentally at peace with ourselves.”  Michael Mahoney, Constructive Psychotherapy What Platonism, Christianity, and the post-Christian political and secular shadows of god have in common is that at essence they are deeply pessimistic. Putting aside the question of whether a true world does or ever will exist, all these worldviews are predicated on a rejection of this earthly reality and a condemnation of the present moment, or as Nietzsche explains:   “…the concept “the true world” insinuates that this world is untruthful, deceptive, dishonest, inauthentic, inessential—and consequently also not a world adapted to our needs.   Nietzsche, The Will to Power What is it that leads people to reject this earthly reality, which is the only reality we know for certain exists, and to posit the existence of true world? According to Nietzsche, it is a psychological need which is the driving force behind all true world philosophies. Those who subscribe to these worldviews tend to be morally and spiritually weak and unable to cope with the human condition without a psychological crutch. Such people, therefore, need to believe in the existence of a true world where they will find lasting peace and salvation, otherwise, they would be crippled by suffering and incapable of enduring life. Or as Nietzsche writes:  “General insight: it is the instinct of life-weariness…which has created the “other world”…to imagine another, more valuable world is an expression of hatred for the world that makes one suffer…Does man not eternally create a fictitious world for himself because he wants a better world than reality?”  Nietzsche, The Will to Power As true world philosophies are pessimistic evaluations of our lot on earth, they are precursors of nihilism, for as Nietzsche wrote: “Pessimism is a preliminary form of nihilism.” (Nietzsche, The Will to Power) All that is required to move from being a believer in a true world to a full-blown nihilist is a simple crisis of faith. For if, or when, doubt deflates one’s belief in a true world, then one is forced to confront the possibility that this earthly reality and the here and now – which one has already judged to be irreparably flawed and insufficient – is all there is. In the Will to Power, Nietzsche writes:  “The development of pessimism into nihilism…. – The repudiated world versus an artificially built ‘true, valuable’ one. Finally: one discovers how the true world is fabricated solely from psychological needs: and now all one has left is the ‘repudiated world’, and one adds this supreme disappointment to the reasons why it deserves to be repudiated. At this point nihilism is reached:…one grants the reality of becoming as the only reality… — but cannot endure this world…”   Nietzsche, The Will to Power As true world theories are pessimistic and a mere step away from nihilism, Nietzsche thought that to overcome nihilism what modern man needs is a worldview not dependent on a true world. We need a worldview which, rather than repudiating this earthly existence, justifies, affirms, and even embraces the suffering that is indispensable to it. We need a worldview that helps us cultivate meaning in the present moment, and in the only life we know for certain we have. We need, in short, a worldview that promotes human flourishing by remaining faithful to the here and now and to this earth. And in the next video, we will explore Nietzsche’s worldview predicated on the will to power, which he put forth as an alternative to true world theories.  “I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying and poisoned themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so let them go.”    Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra