Newest Blogs
by November 22, 2023
By Mark Lacey YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS AS A FIELD When we look at a radio, we understand that the radio does not create the music, but rather, the radio receives the signal. I argue that our consciousness acts as a field, and when we see the brain lighting up and firing off its neurons, what we are seeing is a function of the brain, not the source of our consciousness. In the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, they still wrestle with understanding where and how consciousness arises. They ...
by August 17, 2023
## The Hidden Power of Sound: Can Music and Frequencies Influence Our DNA? In 1986, Japanese scientist Susumu Ohno made a startling discovery - the four nucleotide bases of DNA correspond to musical notes. By associating cytosine (C) with the note C, guanine (G) with the note G, adenine (A) with the note A, and thymine (T) with the note D, Ohno found he could convert DNA sequencing into melodic musical compositions.  This breakthrough revealed an intrinsic musicality within our genetic code an...
Witness the captivating glimpses of Venus, Earth's celestial twin, showcasing its enigmatic beauty in a way that will leave you in awe.Once deemed Earth's twin due to its similar size and its close proximity, Venus has earned a notorious reputation as the evil sibling of our planetary family. With a wealth of knowledge gathered by scientists, we now understand Venus to be a toxic wasteland, an inferno where heat is trapped in its thick atmosphere due to a runaway greenhouse effect. Surprisingly,...
Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto created technology that became the intellectual foundation for the A.I. systems that the tech industry’s biggest companies believe is a key to their future. On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intel...
Sponsored Album
by February 18, 2023
1 Review
'ONE FILM FEST' presents 'Dreamer,' an extraordinary music film by the electronic French duo The Blaze. A music video shot in Dakar, Senegal in a masterfully shot cinema narrative that sets the heart ablaze frim its first verse 'I'm the soul that is drifting away' following a commrade of young people embarking the viewer to tag along to become part of the dreamer, that opens a gate to a heart full of love. With so much toxic music and sensational shock spectacles that Western pop music has sadly resulted in, it is refreshing and inspiring to see true artistry and masterfully conviction to raise music from the heart and out of the gutter. So come on down and soak up the positive energy. You can learn more about The Blaze at : DREAMER LYRICS:  I'm the soul that is drifting away  I was lost into space, trying to find a place  With no border to face  In the night, I'll find my way  As a dreamer, as a dreamer  As a dreamer   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Opеn the gate, therе's love to make  There's dust and love  "#Instrument"   I'm the soul that is drifting away  I was lost into space, trying to find a place  With no border to face  In the night, I'll find my way  As a dreamer, as a dreamer  As a dreamer   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love   Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love  Open the gate, there's love to make  There's dust and love   The soul that is drifting away   I was lost into space, trying to find a place  With no border to face  In the night, I'll find my way  As a dreamer, as a dreamer  As a dreamer
by January 12, 2023
1 Review
Somebody’s Hero A struggling loner from Otis, Maine must contend with his inner demons to make a life and death decision. This is a study of heroism at its most elemental; how and why are some people, against all odds, able to confront the ultimate fear and put their lives at risk for a complete stranger? This heartfelt and authentic short features Dr. Philip Zimbardo Professor Emeritus, Psychology Stanford University , whom awarded Otis Hero of the year award.  Director & Editor: Morgan Myer Lead Animator: Nathan Gilliss Producers: Lindsay Mann, Sven Fahlgren Colorist: Brian Chin  
by December 31, 2022
1 Review
One Film Festival presents a documentary film that redefines the nature genre. Full of heart and soul, the stunning cinematography of the Washington Cascade Range serves as the backdrop for a group of backcountry skiers and field biologists with one goal: to save the elusive wolverine.   learn how to support wolverine conservation at CASCADESWOLVERINEPROJECT.ORG "The film is something of a marvel, a piece that is worthy of study by documentary filmmakers outside of the nature genre.” - Short of the Week "Finding Gulo" follows a backcountry ski guide & field biologist who attempt to document an elusive population of wolverines in Washington's Cascade Range. When our government fails to act, can citizen science save endangered wildlife from climate change? Co-Directors | Colin Arisman & Tyler Wilkinson-Ray Production Companies | Wilder Studio & Wild Confluence Media Featuring | Steph Williams & David Moskowitz Partners | Patagonia, Conservation Northwest and Cascade Wolverine Project Editor | Chris Cresci  Cinematography | Colin Arisman & Tyler Wilkinson-Ray  Additional footage | Grizzly Creek Films, Jasper Newton & Michael Bird Shaffer  Original music | Aled Roberts  Motion graphics | Luke Kantola  Title design | Anya Miller  Colorist | Alice Shcherbak  Post Audio | Ridgeline Sound Still Photography | David Moskowitz Awards & Selections: Short of the Week, Santa Barbara International Film, Banff Mountain Film, Backcountry Film Tour, No Man’s Land Film, Wild & Scenic Film, Environmental Film in the Nation’s Capital, EarthxFilm, Wasatch Mountain Film, International Wildlife Film, Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
by December 29, 2022
1 Review
Befitting a profile documentary about an artist whose work thoughtfully engages in intellectual activism, Shut Up and Paint is a film unusually occupied by questions of process and power. This makes for a narratively unresolved, but fascinatingly layered piece that eschews tidiness in favor of a poetic struggle, both at the level of its subject and their representation, but also at the level of the filmmaking itself. The film documents an ethical crisis in the career of one of the art world’s shining stars, Titus Kaphar, as he struggles with the commodification of his work and the surrounding pressure to blunt his activism in the name of marketability. A Black American from humble beginnings, Kaphar rose to prominence via bold, provocative work that “reconfigures and regenerates art history to include the African-American subject“.   A Grand Prize winner at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, the film played across the United States as part of public television’s POV program. It is currently in the running for Oscar and on the basis of its inclusion in DocNYC’s “Contender” series and its nomination for this year’s Cinema Eye Honors, it has to be considered one of the favorites to make the cut. Good luck to Kaphar, Mallis, and team, I expect that this is a film we’ll be returning to throughout this awards season.  Analogous Colors” was featured on the cover of Time Magazine’s June 15th, 2020 edition. Capitalism absorbs dissent though, and Kaphar finds himself pondering his naivete early in the film as the sale price of his paintings moves into the six and seven figures. A gallerist asks if Kaphar could “focus every interview given to (his) painting, to the work, and not the message” as that might help make his work more palatable to curators. Kaphar, exasperated, finds the requests shortsighted to the point of offense—what is his art without the meaning that fuels it? Simultaneously, he ruminates on his recognition in elite Art World circles.  Nominally it is a victory for representation that he is able to break through, however, being absorbed into this larger elite (and very white) world means that his art has been largely priced out of the homes of people of color.    Kaphar at work in his studio If the film does not wrap its narrative in a tidy bow, it is because the questions with which it grapples do not lend themselves to pat solutions. The explicit conundrums of Kaphar’s artistic commodification and the film’s implicit recognition of the documentary medium’s director/subject power imbalance are valuable themes precisely because of the questions they raise rather than the answers they are able to provide. This sort of indeterminacy is rather brave for a documentary I feel, as too often the medium is one that prescribes exactly what its audience is supposed to feel and conclude after viewing. — - Short of the week 
by December 9, 2022
1 Review
THE WORLD OF TOMORROW by DON HERTZFELDT - A little girl is taken on a mind-bending tour of her distant future. 2016 Academy Award nominee for Best Animated Short Film.
by December 9, 2022
1 Review
ONE FILM FEST CURATES FILMS FOR THE HEART AND SOUL.  This award winning short will leave an impression in you that will not be forgotten.